
03rd September, 2015

We Will Remember Them… Daffodil Community Workshop

Friday 18th September >
Ann Cam School, Dymock, GL18 2BH
Reserve your place now!

Daffodil Community Workshop

As part of The Moment Centenary Project we will remember the lives of those who fought and died in the First World War, and their families.

We are creating a host of Ceramic daffodils, individually made by people within the Leadon Vale community and wider area. Once we have enough daffodils we will display them in an appropriate space. Each daffodil will be numbered and recorded. As this project grows we plan further displays to which you may each bring your own daffodils, with a final commemoration at the centenary of Armistice Day.

We have chosen the daffodil as it is a part of our local heritage and a symbol of our unique countryside. The daffodil plays an important role in many of the poems by the Dymock Poets often defining their rural idyll. Once in abundance the wild daffodil, which is not a protected species, is still found in hedgerows and a few fields and orchards. There was once a thriving industry for daffodil picking and now tourists and visitors come in their thousands to enjoy the spring displays of yellow.

On Friday 18th September, there will be a project launch with afternoon workshops held in Ann Cam School. The first session will involve Class 4 children (with parents also invited to attend) followed by a second session for members of the community, beginning at 3.30pm. There will be a small charge of £6 towards material expenses.

We aim to make sufficient daffodils in time for a Remembrance event in Dymock church on November 11th. Further displays are planned in the community for the Spring Daffodil season next March.

Workshops will be led by Jon and Sarah Williams from Eastnor Pottery who have an excellent record of working with the community. They will guide you through the process of making and painting and will be responsible for glazing and firing your daffodil. (Further sessions will be held at Eastnor pottery, and you can plan your own family or community session by contacting the Pottery)

To reserve your place contact: info@themoment.press
or head over to our facebook page and message us there


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Get Involved!

Garland Hut Opening

Sunday June 18th | Start 9.30, 10.00, or 10.20 | Redmarley Village Hall
FREE but numbers are limited to 100
To reserve tickets for the free CENTENARY WALK or CYCLE TOUR
please use this link

Ceramic Daffodils Remembrance Project

DAFFODILS TOTAL = 201 and counting!
For more info and some wonderful pictures see our Facebook Page...
And don't forget to support us by liking our page while you're there!

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loving our landscape